Home Build Complete!

Since the last post, we have been wrapping up all the final touches. Final electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire sprinkler, painting and trim were all completed. Our power was turned on. We got the septic started up. Got internet service installed. Installed a garage door opener, and finished the fireplace. There was very nearly A MILLION […]
Drywalling & Getting Ready for Finishes

Drywall is going in! There were some delays because the delivery of drywall got delayed, but were hoping its all done in about 2 weeks. We’re in a bit of a time crunch because the tiler can only get in on the week of the 17th, so needing to make sure we get drywall done […]
Finishing Rough Ins, Painting, Deck, & Insulation

We’ve been wrapping up all our rough-ins, getting inspection sign offs for plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fireplace, and fire sprinkler. We also just got the exterior painted which has been exciting! Rough Inspections All in all, the rough inspections went pretty well: Mechanical– Corrections included add some taping to bathroom exhaust ducts (local code amendment), and […]
Excavation Through Framing

A lot has happened since I last posted! Last time I posted, we had just cleared the trees to prep the lot for digging. We have excavated and installed the septic, excavated the house, formed the foundation walls, perimeter drain/ dampproofing, installed underground plumbing/radon, poured the floor, and started framing! It has been a busy […]
Sprinklers In Single Family Residential

Sprinklers in Single Family Homes, say what???? I don’t believe I have ever seen a fire sprinkler system in a stand alone, single family home. Unlike large office buildings, apartment buildings, or warehouses, where fire sprinkler systems are common, I always assumed that single family homes were exempt from needing sprinklers. So, when I went […]
Building a Mountain Home

Hi, my name is Matt Taylor-Rennert. Recently, my husband I decided to build a custom home for our family in Evergreen, CO, a mountain community just outside of Denver. We currently live in Denver, and have always wanted to live in the mountains. After not finding any existing homes that we liked in our price […]