Un-sprinklered, Detached Barrel Storage Buildings
NFPA 30 (2015 edition mentioned here), the “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code” Offers a route for buildings containing large volumes of flammable liquid to be non – sprinklered. Normally, when exceeding the MAQ’s of 120 gallons, sprinklers would be required, but chapter 13 of NFPA 30 provides an exception to allow for an unprotected (non […]
Prohibition On Flammable Liquids In Plastic Totes
What Are IBC Plastic Totes and what is prohibited from being stored in them? If you’ve been to a few distilleries, you might have seen these around: Large plastic IBC (intermediate bulk container) totes. IBC totes are lightweight, come in a variety of sizes (often seen in 275 gallons or more), and are affordable. They […]
Secondary Containment
What is Secondary Containment? Secondary containment requirements are found in the International Fire Code, a model code that is extensively used throughout the U.S. for safe building design and function. Most jurisdictions in the U.S. adopt this code as law, with some jurisdictions adopting a variation of it. For the purpose of distilleries, high proof […]