Window sprinklers, water curtains, sprinkler protected glazing: What is the difference

Window sprinklers and water curtains are similar in appearance, but quite different. A water curtain is used in an exterior wall that is required to have up to a 1hr fire rating based on FSD (Fire Separation Distance). They include roughly adding standard sprinkler heads at 6′ on center, 6″ from the wall. Adding the water curtain allows for unlimited openings […]
Un-sprinklered, Detached Barrel Storage Buildings

NFPA 30 (2015 edition mentioned here), the “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code” Offers a route for buildings containing large volumes of flammable liquid to be non – sprinklered. Normally, when exceeding the MAQ’s of 120 gallons, sprinklers would be required, but chapter 13 of NFPA 30 provides an exception to allow for an unprotected (non […]
Sprinklers In Single Family Residential

Sprinklers in Single Family Homes, say what???? I don’t believe I have ever seen a fire sprinkler system in a stand alone, single family home. Unlike large office buildings, apartment buildings, or warehouses, where fire sprinkler systems are common, I always assumed that single family homes were exempt from needing sprinklers. So, when I went […]
Static Electricity In Distilleries

What is Static Electricity? stat·ic e·lec·tric·i·ty (noun) a stationary electric charge, typically produced by friction, that causes sparks. The Basics: -The world is made of atoms -Atoms have electrons protons and neutrons -Protons and neutrons are held tightly to the nucleus of the atom. -Electrons are loosely connected to atoms and can easily move to […]