Un-sprinklered, Detached Barrel Storage Buildings

NFPA 30 (2015 edition mentioned here), the “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code” Offers a route for buildings containing large volumes of flammable liquid to be non – sprinklered. Normally, when exceeding the MAQ’s of 120 gallons, sprinklers would be required, but chapter 13 of NFPA 30 provides an exception to allow for an unprotected (non […]

Sprinklers In Single Family Residential

Sprinklers in Single Family Homes, say what???? I don’t believe I have ever seen a fire sprinkler system in a stand alone, single family home. Unlike large office buildings, apartment buildings, or warehouses, where fire sprinkler systems are common, I always assumed that single family homes were exempt from needing sprinklers. So, when I went […]

Static Electricity In Distilleries

What is Static Electricity? stat·ic  e·lec·tric·i·ty (noun) a stationary electric charge, typically produced by friction, that causes sparks. The Basics: -The world is made of atoms -Atoms have electrons protons and neutrons -Protons and neutrons are held tightly to the nucleus of the atom. -Electrons are loosely connected to atoms and can easily move to […]