Building Code Exceptions for Rickhouses

The Kentucky building code has several special exceptions to the IBC that allow for larger rickhouses for storing barrels filled with alcohol. This is in consideration of the history of Rickhouses in the area. Under the IBC, these structures would be too large to be built out of wood and be unsprinklered. The Kentucky codes […]

Un-sprinklered, Detached Barrel Storage Buildings

NFPA 30 (2015 edition mentioned here), the “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code” Offers a route for buildings containing large volumes of flammable liquid to be non – sprinklered. Normally, when exceeding the MAQ’s of 120 gallons, sprinklers would be required, but chapter 13 of NFPA 30 provides an exception to allow for an unprotected (non […]

2021 Codes and Barrel Storage

As mentioned in a previous post, there were some major changes to the 2021 and new codes affecting distilleries. One of these major changes were how barrel storage is classified and treated. IFC Chapter 40 2021 IFC (International Fire Code) added a whole new chapter 40 , Storage of Distilled spirits and wines. The chapter […]